The Guam Law
17 GCA Chapter 6, Section 6109
"Children not attending a private full-time school and who are being instructed in study and recitation for at least (3) hours a day for one hundred seventy (170) days each calendar year by a private tutor or other person, in the several branches of study required to be taught in the public schools of this Territory and in the English language, shall be exempted from attending the public school."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Homeschooling Resource: PBS & PBS KIDS, free website resources at-a-glance

The following are PBS links that I've explored to get additional homeschooling ideas for my son. Of course, I've had to modify some of the activities to truly meet his needs. Nevertheless, I'm confident that you will be pleased with what you find.

PBS's trusted content reaches all of America's children - a diverse and growing audience. Because kids, parents, caregivers and educators access media in different ways with different needs, PBS offers a variety of resources online and over-the-air.

To further your child's development and encourage their growth through exploration and discovery in a safe environment, check out

PBS KIDS, URL: (2-5 year olds)
PBS KIDS GO!, URL: (6-9 year olds)

The above websites offer access to all of PBS's children's series and Web-only games, activities, resources and streaming video, covering all curriculum areas with quick links to Parents and Teachers sections for each program.

PBS Parents, URL:

PBS Parents features extensive information about children's development from birth through the school years, as well as educational resources and activities for children to help get them ready for school.

PBS Teachers, URL:

PBS Teachers is designed for PreK-12 educators and includes more than 9,000 local and national standards-based teaching activities, lesson plans, blogs, on-demand video assets and interactive games and simulations.

PBS TeacherLine, URL:

PBS TeacherLine offers PreK-12 teachers quality, affordable, and accessible professional development courses. It offers courses in critical curriculum areas, including reading, mathematics, science, instructional technology, curriculum mapping, and instructional strategies.


Source: PBS Guam