The Real Pocahontas On this day - April 5 - my son was tasked to discuss and write about a famous Native American, namely Pocahontas.
Here's the following task he had to reflect on: "Native American Pocahontas married English colonist John Rolfe on this day in 1614. Rolfe took Pocahontas back to English with him where she became an instant celebrity. What changes do you think Pocahontas may have had to make in her new life? How do you think she might have felt? Why might the English have been curious about her?"
It was amazing to hear how analytical he was. He mentioned of how Pocahontas was challenged and experienced culture shock. He also said that she was initially lost, because she had to adjust to a new culture. He further stated that the English were also curious about her, similar to the way she may have been curious about them. She was not of their kind, so they naturally were curious and may have been prejudice against her because of the color of her skin. This lesson certainly brought to light the importance of being culturally responsive. My son appreciates multicultural literature, and I'm glad that he views other cultures as a source of richness. There's no doubt that the "world is a rainbow!"
Source: 365 Multicultural Activities